If you really need to tile your bathtub surround, yet you don’t have the budget, then there is actually nothing to worry about. You can install the tiles by yourself easily. In fact it will be a DIY project which you will actually enjoy a lot.


Tiling the Bathtub’s Wall

  • Invest in a 5 gallon bucket of mortar.


  • Mix it up according to the directions given by the manufacturer.


  • Apply the mortar to the wall. The coat should be even. You can use a putty knife for that.


  • Make a few rows of mortar with the knife.


  • Now take a trowel to scrape the edges of the mortar. In this way, ridges will be created.


  • Now get hold of your first tile and slide it at its place.


  • Move the tile a little so that it gets settled well.


  • Make sure that the tile is properly adjusted and is leveled perfectly as well.


  • Place all the tiles like this.


  • You should use a spacer, so that the tiles have an even space present between them.


  • When you get to installing the tiles at the bottom, use a spacer for creating space between the tile and the bathtub.


  • Now, here comes a tricky yet a very convenient part.


  • Upon reaching the bottom row, place the tile and mark the area from where it will needed to be cut. Simply cut all the tiles, which will be used in the bottom row, in that size.



  • How much of the wall you need to tile depends upon the plumbing present in your wall.


  • You can install all the tiles in the same manner at the complete bath surround.


You can make the project more fun by experimenting with different color combinations!