When having trouble paying off debts on your credit card, you need a means to negotiate with the bank by conveying your problems. A formally written statement by you aids in consolidation with the bank, which can then lead to ways offered by them on how to pay off the debt you have obscured. This template is called a credit card hardship letter.
If you need to see what a credit a card hardship letter looks like, here is a sample:
Nora Roberts
92 Comanche Road
Chillicothe, Ohio 45601
December 24th, 2014
Special Care Credit Card
909929 Worthington-Gelana Road
Worthington, Ohio 43569
Re: 2234-9878-7876-3427
To Whom It May Concern,
In regards to the above credit card number, I write to you to seek help in its payment process. As you can see from the records, the cards payment is past its due dates for the past 3 months. I had been clearing the payments earlier, but I lose my job 4 months ago and I do not have enough money left from unemployment’s checks. However, I wish to pay your pending bills and continue using my account in your bank.
I would like to temporarily close my account and pay a $50 payment every month. I hope that would be possible. I would be grateful to any assistance and help from the bank in paying this debt easily.
Please feel free to contact me whenever is convenient for you. My contact number is 541-378-3987. I appreciate your attention to this matter.
Nora Roberts
[…] bill. You will have to convince your bank to lower the rate so you can pay off the debt. Also read Credit Card Hardship Letter for […]