Hermit crabs are social creatures and make ideal pets. But to give them a long life, you have to simulate their natural habitat by setting one properly. Keep in mind, these crabs aren’t the only pets in need of a natural habitat; almost every pet will require a natural environment to thrive in and stay healthy. For this reason, you have to set up a comfortable home and environment for them.

Hermit crabs require a good home to thrive in, and creating their habitat is a fun activity. Here is what you will need to do:


Things you will need


  • 10-gallon glass aquarium
  • Humidifier
  • Light or Under tank heater
  • 2 bowls
  • Distilled water
  • Oceanic sea salt mix
  • Aragonite sand
  • Substrate
  • Sea shells, rocks, artificial weeds
  • 2 thermometers




  1. Place the glass aquarium at your desired spot in the room. Ensure the aquarium has a lid so that the humidity can be held within. You can use a mesh lid that is covered with Plexiglas.


  1. Install the substrate, by expanding the sand with the ocean salt water.


  1. Install the humidifier (or a humidity gauge), and the thermometers. The thermometers will be set on a cool end, and the other on a warm end. The humidity level should be between 65-80 percent at all times. Set the cooler thermometer to 70 degrees F, and warmer one to 82 degrees F. the under tank heater should be used to keep the tank warm, or a light to raise the temperature.


  1. Create hiding places for the crabs by placing stones, weeds, and shells around the tank.


  1. Set a fresh dish of water inside with some marine salt water.


  1. In another bowl set the crabs food. Offer frequent servings of seaweeds and algae, protein-based foods, fresh fruits and vegetables, and calcium rich foods.